Content ideas for an engaged employee community

By Emilie Toche on 5 Aug 2024

… or what kind of discussions can strengthen your Employee Communities?

Regularly creating engaging and relevant content for your employee communities is crucial. Defining what kind of discussions are best suited for those spaces can however be challenging; here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing based on our team’s experience:

Have open and healthy discussions around ways of working:

  • Processes: Encourage feedback on existing or missing processes as well as how-tos and tips around best practices to work towards consistency and efficiency.
  • Blockers: Create threads where employees can discuss difficulties they’re facing and brainstorm solutions collaboratively.
  • Workspaces: General discussions around where people work from, their setups and tools used day-to-day can help bridge the distance in remote or global teams, and build a sense of team camaraderie.
  • Wellbeing: Managing stress and achieving work-life balance all while striving for productivity is no easy feat. This is why conversations around how to set up a productive day, morning routines, time management techniques, and workspace organisation are increasingly powerful.

Use this space to support learning & development:

  • Learning Resources: Highlight learning materials or opportunities, asking the members for their experience of them and their own recommendations.
  • Top Tools: Curate lists of essential tools for different roles or domains fields (e.g., Data Management, Analytics, Content Design) and invite members to add their favourites in order to create handy community libraries.
  • Knowledge gaps: Rely on your members to identify areas that they need or want more support in, to inform both additional content, internal upskilling Programs or learning sessions to organise.

Keep all things industry-related in sight:

  • News articles: Identify timely industry news to bring in external inspiration and help spark conversations.
  • Events and conferences: What are the top virtual or in-person gatherings in your community’s field of specialty? Proactively ask members if they are attending them, share recordings or highlights when possible and encourage personal reflections.
  • Staying Updated: Swapping tips on how to stay informed about industry updates through news sites, podcasts, and influential people to follow is a great way to tap into the collective wisdom.

Share company updates and invite members’ input:

Whether it’s the latest company news and developments, team changes in the form of new joiners, promotions or restructures, or company milestones such as setting yearly objectives or hosting important town halls; your community is an ideal space to make sure the employees are not only feeling more connected to each other, but also to the company. 

Get to know each other to foster stronger connections:

  • Introduction Threads: Setting up areas where new joiners can introduce themselves with a mix of professional and personal details, and be welcomed, will ease and humanise onboarding processes. 
  • Ice Breakers: Off-topic threads angled towards fun, hobbies, and the more personal things can go a long way towards bonding and breaking down barriers.
  • Games: Host regular games to promote team spirit and interaction, whether in an asynchronous post or as part meetings.
  • Employee Spotlights: Feature employees in informal interviews to highlight their experience, achievements and personalities.

By encouraging diverse discussions, you can create an energetic, supportive, and engaging employee community that contributes to continuous development and company goals while building a strong sense of belonging and collaboration. This list of ideas should help you get started, and if you would like to dive into how to engage your employee communities further our team would love to help!

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